Our Principles


Communal Effort, Participation, Civic Responsibility & Immediacy

These are the glue of Montopia that support us in creating the magical experience of our communal playground! As a participant of Montopia, we all are members of the community and each of us adds something unique to the whole! We share the load and look out for one another! If you see someone needing help, jump in! If you need help, reach out! If you see something that needs doing, do it! If there’s something you feel called to create or express, go for it! Feel the call of inspiration and dive in, immediately! These moments and our lives are impermanent, and this experience can be a great awakening and reminder to live in the NOW!

Leave No Trace

This is a Leave No Trace event: pack it in, pack it out! This includes all your belongings and trash, we do not provide trash cans for you. No feathers (boas, headpieces, etc.), non-biodegradable glitter, garments or costumes that shed or loses pieces, or sequins. We have much gratitude for the land we get to call Montopia’s home and we all help leave it in better condition than when we arrived!

Radical Self-Reliance

Montopia is an exercise in Radical Self-Reliance and you are responsible for your own survival and well-being! This means bringing with you anything and everything that you may need or want like water, food, shelter, and anything else you need to survive on your own for 5 days. Prepare as if you were going camping somewhere remote where you needed to bring all the essentials plus all your fun toys, shiny things, art and gifts to share with others!!

Gift Economy & Decommodification

Montopia functions as a Gift Economy and there are no commodities for sale or barter (including water, coffee, and ice). There is no promoting or advertising of businesses or brands. Covering or modifying corporate logos and brand names on your stuff is encouraged and could be a fun creative project! The unconditional acts of giving and receiving gifts are a vital aspect of our community where we share without expectation of something in return! What is a Gift? It can be anything you could imagine including handmade items, stickers, a helping hand, or a hug! As part of Leave No Trace please consider avoiding gifts that create MOOP (matter out of place) or quickly become garbage.

Radical Inclusion & Radical Self-Expression

All are welcome here!! Strangers are simply friends you haven’t met yet! We look out for and include one another in our shared community! We invite self-expression in its many shapes and forms and your unique gifts can only be brought by you! These principles are pillars of our community because we need each of our unique authentic selves to create the foundation of our shared experience! Is there something your self is yearning to express? Anything is possible! Costumes, creativity, offerings and activities, art of any kind, and characters are encouraged and welcome!!

Consent, Consent, Consent!

Montopia is a community built on trust, and trust starts with consent!! Whether you'd like to take someone's photo, give them a gift, share personal space, or invite them back to your camp… Ask permission! Tune in with yourself when asking and being asked and honor your authentic yes and no! If we receive a no, we can practice not taking it personally and chances are, there is someone else out there who’d love to have their photo taken, eat that Popsicle, share that hug or smooch, or enjoy some play time with you!